Thank you to our amazing donors and grant givers 2023-2024. We are so honored by your gifts:

American Swedish Institute

Dave Simkins Charitable Fund

Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) III and IV

Employer Matching Contributions: Land O Lakes, Inc. and Medtronic

Hennepin County Environmental Field Trip Transportation grant

Mankato State University

Minneapolis Health Department

Minneapolis Foundation

Minneapolis Neighborhood and Community Relations Department

Minneapolis Woman’s Cub

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources No Child Left Inside Grant

We are able to: fund Teaching Assistants, start our Bilingual Climate Academy, take field trips, send kids to camp, assist Newcomer families and help fund staff requests. All these items help our dual language schools and provide both unique learning opportunities and wonderful childhood memories.

Special thanks to all the individuals who have contributed their time and resources to Colectiva's success!

Thank you for prior year donors:

Roy G & Naomi Harmon Johnston Family Foundation

Thrivent Financial Action Team Grants


Gracias a nuestros increíbles donantes y otorgantes de subvenciones 2023-2024. Nos sentimos muy honrados por sus regalos:

American Swedish Institute

Dave Simkins Charitable Fund

Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) III and IV

Employer Matching Contributions: Land O Lakes, Inc. and Medtronic

Hennepin County Environmental Field Trip Transportation grant

Mankato State University

Minneapolis Health Department

Minneapolis Foundation

Minneapolis Neighborhood and Community Relations Department

Minneapolis Woman’s Cub

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources No Child Left Inside Grant

Podemos: financiar asistentes de enseñanza, comienza nuestro Academia Bilingüe sobre el Clima, realizar excursiones, enviar niños al campamento, ayudar a las familias recién llegadas y ayudar a financiar las solicitudes del personal. Todos estos elementos ayudan a nuestras escuelas de dos idiomas y brindan oportunidades de aprendizaje únicas y maravillosos recuerdos de la infancia.

Un agradecimiento especial a todas las personas que han contribuido con su tiempo y recursos al éxito de Colectiva.

Gracias a los donantes del año anterior:

Roy G & Naomi Harmon Johnston Family Foundation

Thrivent Financial Action Team Grants